General information

Company SLOVWOOD Ružomberok, a.s provides wood trading services and its ambition is to be a naturally connected element in the supply chain - a customer chain from forest owners to wood processors. We strive to be a long-term and stable business partner not only on the Slovak market, but also to develop mutual respective relations. We offer our clients professional and competitive solutions, while respecting ethical values and the principle of sustainability.

Our company is the exclusive buyer of pulpwood for the largest producer of paper and pulp in Slovakia, Mondi SCP, a.s. For this company we buy hardwood divided into 3 groups:   : beech, maple, ash, hornbeam, birch  : oak, cer, agate : poplar, aspen, alder, willow, elm, cherry, chestnut

Individual wood species are classified into groups and quality classes according to their usability in the production of pulp ans well as according to market practices.

We also buy more valuable assortments of hardwood for individual clients and their specific requirements.